Episode 1: Why 3 Seconds Behind the Wheel

Behind 3 Seconds Behind the Wheel is a podcast about the behind the scenes adventures of creating the documentary 3 Seconds Behind the Wheel. It offers an unusual look into the storytelling process, while highlighting many of the important issues discussed in the documentary.  Behind 3 Second Behind the Wheel comes complete with honest stories about the storytelling process, behind-the-scenes interviews with people featured in the doc, and bonus segments we just could fit into the one hour film.

Episode 1

Why 3 Seconds Behind the Wheel?

June 20, 2018

This first episode gives listeners background on project, stats on the problem and explains why we decided to take on the subject. Producer Jennifer Boyd also talks with co-producer Catherine Sager about searching and finding drivers for the study.  This episode is filled with backstories we just can’t wait to share!